Advance tickets are no longer available after 6pm on the day of a show. Any remaining tickets will be at the door, if an event is not sold out.

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Kate Hinote Trio w/ Fay Burns – March 25, 2022

The Kate Hinote Trio is a contemporary folk ensemble based out of the Detroit area, featuring Kate Hinote on vocals, Matthew Parmenter on violin, and David Johnsonon acoustic guitar.  The Trio performs predominantly original material, while weaving in select retro and modern covers that showcase their unique sound and sensibilities. Detroit area journalist, Jeff Milo, describes […]


Dan Hazlett – March 26, 2022

Dan will release his latest CD Turning Stone, his first in ten years, with a special band show at Trinity House.   Dan's all-star band will include Jim Bizer, Scott Williams, Jeff Schott, Beverly Meyer, Mary Beth Howell and John Finan.  Everyone that attends the show will receive a free copy of Turning Stone. Dan Hazlett […]


Open Stage at Trinity House

Take a chance to share your music live on the Trinity House Theatre stage. Open Stage takes place the first and third Tuesday nights of the month (and 5th Tuesday if there is one). The doors open at 5:45 p.m. and the music starts at 6:00 p.m. Local songwriter, Terry Birkett, will serve as the […]

Claude Bourbon w/ special guest Nick Schillace – April 1, 2022

Claude’s inimitable style incorporates all five digits on each hand dancing independently but in unison, plucking, picking and strumming at such speed and precision that his fingers often seem to melt into a blur. Thousands of people in the UK, Europe and USA have enjoyed listening to this virtuoso and for the majority of his […]


Claudia Schmidt and Sally Rogers – April 2, 2022

Claudia Schmidt and Sally Rogers have been weaving their voices, dulcimers, and guitars together for decades, creating an atmosphere of joy and musical lushness that audiences find so irresistible, they frequently join right in. Their soaring harmonies ('blood harmony' was how one fan described it), fascinating double dulcimer work, and the mix of 6 and […]


Empty Chair Night featuring Emily Rose and the Whiskey Charmers – April 3, 2022

Empty Chair Night for April 3, will feature  Emily Rose and the Whiskey Charmers. Not just another open mic show, the Empty Chair Night offers members of the audience a chance to join the hosts and featured act on stage to share a song “in-the-round” style. Empty Chair is the brain-child of Joel Palmer, and  […]


Open Stage at Trinity House

Take a chance to share your music live on the Trinity House Theatre stage. Open Stage takes place the first and third Tuesday nights of the month (and 5th Tuesday if there is one). The doors open at 5:45 p.m. and the music starts at 6:00 p.m. Local songwriter, Terry Birkett, will serve as the […]

Jo Serrapere and Friends – A Benefit for WHFR 89.3 FM – April 7, 2022

Trinity House is pleased to host a benefit concert for WHFR 89.3 FM in Dearborn.  The station has been a big supporter of Michigan music and artists that play at the theatre. Earthwork Collective artist Jo Serrapere (sarah-pear), a songwriter from Detroit, Michigan, started playing guitar at 23 when seeking out lessons from Delta Blues guitarist, […]
